Hydro-Probe probe designed for measuring the moisture content of loose materials: sand, cement, concrete, asphalt, aggregates. Manufacturer: Hydronix.
PRICE ON REQUEST: ampero@ampero.eu
HP04 - Instrukcja montażu mechanicznego
HP04 - Mechanical Installation Guide
HP04 - Instrukcja montażu elektrycznego
HP04 - Electrical Installation Guide
HP04 - Sensor Factory Default Parameters / Zestaw parametrów domyślnych
HP04 - Kalibracja i konfiguracja sondy
HP04 - Calibration and Configuration Guide
Hydro-Probe - Measure Moisture in asphalt production (example)
The Hydro-Probe is a rugged, microwave moisture measurement sensor designed to be installed in bins, silos and conveyors in process control environments.
Measuring at 25 times per second and with on-board functionality such as signal processing and averaging, the Hydro-Probe accurately measures the moisture content of material as it flows over the ceramic faceplate. Remote configuration, calibration, diagnostics and firmware upgrades are simple using Hydronix Hydro-Com software. The linear output allows direct integration with any control system using industry standard interfaces.
The sensor can be installed in a variety of locations where there is a flow of material.
• Digital technology provides precise linear moisture measurement with 25 readings per second.
• Advanced Digital Signal Processing provides a clear signal with rapid response.
• Fully temperate compensated measurement.
• Two analogue outputs, digital RS485 communications and configurable digital inputs/output, alarms.
• Remote communication with Hydro-Com software allows configuration of all sensor parameters.
• Consistent performance with no need for recalibration except for use with different materials.
• Calibration data points stored within the sensor for improved quality control.
• Stand alone or simple integration into a new or existing automation system.
• The Averaging Mode provides a continuous “average” moisture over a batch.
• Averaging, “Bin Empty” and “High Moisture” Alarms and Signal Processing are performed internally by the sensor
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