Inputs, digital and analog outputs in the STANDARD enclosure - 66mm hight


Active filters

SDM-6TE - 6 temperature inputs, 2 transistor...

€212.00 netto
INPUT: 6 inputs for the temperature measurment; OUTPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); 2 x configurable NPN outputs to 500mA, switched remotely or automatically when the temperature is exceeded Support resistive thermometers: PT100,...

SDM-16I - 16 digital inputs

€156.00 netto
INPUT: 16 digital inputs; OUTPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); Up to 128 modules on RS485 network; Mounting on a DIN rail; 16 configurable 32-bit counters; Inputs PNP or NPN, depending on the connection; Comfortable...

SDM-8I8O - 8 digital inputs, 8 PNP outputs

€156.00 netto
INPUT / OUTPUT: 8 digital inputs, 8 PNP outputs; OUTPUT / INPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); Up to 128 modules on RS485 network; Mounting on a DIN rail; 8 configurable 32-bit counters; Inputs PNP or NPN, depending on the...

SDM-16O-PNP - 16 PNP outputs

€156.00 netto
OUTPUT: 16 digital outputs PNP; INPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); Up to 128 modules on RS485 network; Mounting on a DIN rail; Output type PNP, 500mA; Galvanic isolation of outputs; Watchdog function; Comfortable...

SDM-16RO - 16 relay outputs

€167.00 netto
OUTPUT: 16 digital relay PNP; INPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); Up to 128 modules on RS485 network; Mounting on a DIN rail; Max load 3A/COM 250VAC; 3A/COM 30VDC; Watchdog function; Galvanic isolation of outputs...

SDM-6RO - 6 relay outputs

€156.00 netto
OUTPUT: 6 digital relay PNP; INPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); Up to 128 modules on RS485 network; Mounting on a DIN rail; Max load 5A 250VAC; 10A 24VDC; Changeover contacts; Watchdog function; Comfortable connectors...

SDM-8AI - 8 analog universal inputs, 2...

€207.00 netto
INPUT: 8 universal analog inputs; OUTPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); 2 x configurable NPN outputs to 500mA, switched remotely or automatically when the set value is exceeded; Mounting on a DIN rail; Voltage input: 0~10VDC;...

SDM-8AO - 8 analogue universal outputs

€207.00 netto
OUTPUT: 8 universal analogue outputs; INPUT: RS485 - Modbus Slave (ASCII, RTU); Up to 128 modules on RS485 network; Mounting on a DIN rail; voltage output: 0~10VDC; current output: 0~20mA; 4~20mA; Individual channel...

MOD-ETH - Gateway Modbus TCP

€141.00 netto
Gateway Modbus TCP / Ethernet and RS485 interface; Ethernet (10/100 Mbps) and RS485 (to 115200 bits/s); Gateway function for Modbus TCP protocol ( to 4 clients TCP/IP ) Modbus Device Table Function; An inbuilt www website for...